Why are people out there blaming Jews for the actions of crooked bank cartels?

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The Jews are suffering just like us. Israelis have again taken to the streets in mass protests over the high cost of living. At least 250,000 people joined the protests, with the main rallies in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa, although some Israeli media put the turnout as high as 400,000. They are the...

Answer (10):

Bambi Flower

Everyone Suffers but the Rich. They get their reward while on earth you know. What a bunch of ignorant racist answers btw. They were camped out on Rothschild Blvd when that jerky Glenn Beck went there and he made the comment that they were a bunch of Lazy Liberals. When are we going to get past the Blame game and come up with some solutions


Gorgeous George

The ultra-right has a list of "bad guys". Jews, blacks, unions, "loafers" (they never seem to have much clarity or proof or definition on that one, you're just "supposed to know" what they mean), liberals, "godless Commies", homosexuals, etc., etc., etc.

Any time anything remotely negative happens, ESPECIALLY if they ARE the problem, they circle one on the endless list and try to use it like armor. The whole idea is, they're not to be blamed or responsible for ANYTHING, most particularly if THEY did it.

This flows from Goebbels, another right winger, who concocted the attack approach for his masters, and the Koch brothers--direct relatives of hierarchy members in that failed government--just follow suit with their hack front organizations and paid liars.

Leslie is hot

It's S.O.P. for the neo-Nazi right.

Kudos to the moronic imbecilic nitwit who thinks Hitler was a liberal. What a bozo!

Believing lies and stereotypes is the primary activity of the scuzzball right wing.

They invented the "blame game".

Just Me

Because the think the Jews are the banks. But these are the same people who think that Iran should have nukes. Logic is not their forte.


The term, 'Chosen People' is ambiguous. Hitler chose them also.


Because it's easier than thinking.


Jews consider HOUSING PRICES more protest-worthy than the subhuman treatment of Palestinians? Interesting.

And then they wonder why people typically think Jews are cheap.


Liberals use a stereotype when it fits their twisted world view. Like all bankers are Jews.

Dr. Zaius

The worlds wealth has been distilled down to about 6 multinational cartel banks.. we are seeing the fallout of such an historical concentration of wealth the world over.


Most Ron Paul supporters are mentally ill.