Which is a better degree to enter into finance/banking field?

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I have a choice between this 2 degrees- Bachelor of science in Accounting and Finance and
Bachelor of science in Economics and Finance
I want to know which is a better degree to enter into Finance/Banking sector and later to do MBA in Finance .

Answer (2):


It doesn't matter whatsoever. It only matters if you have the prerequisites needed for the MBA program. I have many friends and associates who have MBAs and did their BA degrees in government, sociology, English, math etc. They're also interested in people who have the experience in the field. So try to get highly sought after internships over the summer in banks or investment firms etc. These are the types of things that will help you get accepted into an MBA program (that and good test scores and a good GPA).


In banking and finance, usually people prefer candidates to have a knowledge of Accounting as you will be using it a lot in your daily work. So it would be good to opt for the first one.