What is the best Bank in the Miami Beach (South Beach) area?

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So the thing is, I have some money I want to put in the bank. I seriously have not done this is a long time because I have had nothing but bad experiences with greedy banks over the years and got fed up with them. I would rather go to the local liquor store and cash my checks there than go to a bank. But now,...

Answer (2):


some banks are not FDIC insured,even though they were previously. I would check the financial section of the Miami News/banking/business/Wall Street Journal and see what the bank rates are. I use TCF bank in Colorado, don't know if avail in Florida. Check for overdraft fees, debit fees, etc and also credit unions are good to use, also, the bank that pays your salary, cash check there, it's their money....in the late 70's , Miami had the same problem we are having today, many bank closures and home crisis, but not as bad as this current one. Avoid the little unknown banks and check online for recent investigations/closures, fraudulent accounts. It's in the news daily, the number of bank closures, some were in Florida, too. Stay away from credit cards forever. Read the small print, avoid all the special offers, the worst one is the Chase, pay as much as you want, etc. Am Ex did that and lost big time, they let you choose what and how much to pay over time. Bad deal for consumer and Am Exp. Better when you had to pay entire balance instead of flex. They nail you big time for fees and they know you can't pay it. One thing to think about, what you purchase, for prestige or status, if you had to get rid of it, you'd never recoup the cost of what you paid. Think about luxury/unneeded stuff that way, plus you have to carry it around and move/store it. Good luck.


any bank that don't charge ya any FEES
check wachovia i pay NO fees