Banks in Carlton, OR

Answer (10):


Steve was more annoying.
It was funny as hell when its Carlton breaking out in dance mode.

The Wrong Category Police!

Carlton Banks.

B Cuz Im Großartig®

Urkel has nothing on Carlton

I'm Not Your Friend, Buddy

Blasphemer!!! Carlton would dance circles around Urkel, and then still manage to help Will Smith launch his children's careers.


Carlton is greater, his dancing would blow Urkel's mind. Fresh Prince of Bel-Air was also the superior show.

Ricky Martens

Carlton. Nuff said haha.

Procrastination Consumes Me

urkel hands down.


Carlton :)


their both funny though
I just like carltons humor
...... now excuse me I have to fart

Mr Bean

i hate carlton, i hate him