Is burning a mosque in the occupied west bank territory justifiable?

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I thought that the Israeli "settlers" showed considerable restraint, illegal settlers usually like to burn or shoot Palestinian children for target practice.


I am against Muslim immigration to the UK; however , I am also against burning Mosques.Mosques are part of the Islamic World but not the UK, I do not agree with building Mosques in the UK.

mov ah, 4ch

I don't know. Is burning a synagogue any better?


Most mosque fires have eventually been proven to be self-set. Happens here in the US all the time. Most "hate crimes" are self-committed.


Only if it was fully occupied at the time and the exits sealed.
Other than that no.


They are the Jewish extremists doing that, not representative of the Israeli Gov. and will only fuel the fire!


violence is never justified. I can see why they hate each other because Muslims consider Jewish people to be less than human, and has attacked them but that is pure terroism.

Jimmy G

Since Israel did 9/11, 7/7 etc nobody should be surprised at other crimes they commit