How to Pay to the Polish National Bank?

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I recently requested documents from archives Grojec, Poland. A worker at the department of records sent me this email in response: "Nasz znak: 843-132/2012 Data: 2012-10-19 Szanowny Panie, w odpowiedzi na podanie z dnia 17 października 2012 roku informujemy, że został wykonany skan aktu ślubu z...

Banks in Warsaw, IN

Answer (2):


go on line to find a contact. get the routing number. pay from your bank online.


Just contact your bank to help you transfer the money to Poland but be ready to show the original details given, not the translation so
Narodowy Bank Polski. Oddział Okręgowy Warszawa
51 1010 1010 0197 1222 3100 0000
A clart at your bank should know how to do it.

The google translator translated zł as gold but złoty is the Polish currency PLN. You need to pay 15 PLN in total. She gave you the present exchange rate but I guess you need to make sure what the exchange rate will be on the day you will transfer the money, so it's better to do it in your bank.

You need to enclose the number of the case (?) nr 843-132/2012. - I think it applies to your inquiry -in the transfer description. I guess it may be a good idea to include your name or any other necessary detalils too but she specifically asked for the inquiry number.

The scan of the marriage act that you requested will be sent to you when they have received the money.