Credit Union vs. Bank?

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I'm hearing more and more about people leaving banks and going to credit unions. What's the difference and which one is generally better?

Banks in Union City, IN

Answer (2):

Mel M

Credit unions are financial institutions, like banks. They offer many of the same products and services -- savings accounts, checking accounts, ATM/debit cards, credit cards, auto loans, mortgages, home equity loans, etc. Both have deposit insurance so your money will be safe. The main difference from your viewpoint as a consumer is that you can become a customer of any bank, while credit unions can only serve people who fit in their "Field of Membership." Some credit unions are sponsored by a company and only the employees can join. There are numerous credit unions that have "community charters" which allow them to serve people who live within a defined geographic region (i.e. city, county, zip codes, etc.).

Most of the time credit unions offer better rates and have fewer fees than other financial institutions. Banks have more branch offices than credit unions.

Hope this helps. Good luck!


banks are bigger = more locations.

Credit unions tend to have better rates.
If you borrow = lower interest rates.
If you deposit = higher rates.

Some credit unions are for specific people ( you must be a teacher, work for a certain company etc)

Most credit unions were a bit more responsible during the whole credit crisis therefore people are switching to a more responsible institution.