Your most favorite bank heist movie?

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mine would have to be a classic film noir kansas city confidential,it all most worked,and one the best thought out plans ever thought of

Answer (10):

Bert T

"Dog Day Afternoon" -man this is a good movie, with a very young Al Pacino.

And also "Quick Change" with Billy Murray. Not actaully about the hesit but the money he steals is the driving force behind the whole movie.


Heat is the best. That movie is what inspired the two bank robbers that robbed the Bank of America in North Hollywood. They had the LAPD out gunned. The police had to go to local gunshops and borrow guns to match the fire power that the bank robbers had.

Watch "44 minutes" it is about the North Hollywood shoot out.


Inside man


Maybe it wasn't a bank, but definitely a heist - The Hot Rock.
It was a comedy.


The Doberman gang




dog day afternoon or the doberman gang both har to beat classics


Point Break


Point Break


"Charlie Varrick," also "The Getaway" (the Steve McQueen version)