Would you recommend a career in investment banking, commercial banking, or accountacy?

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Would you recommend a career in investment banking, commercial banking, or accountacy? I am thinking about obtaining a career in either one of those areas. Which one do you recommend going into. Also, which area has higher salaries and which one do you work more in? BTW i plan on attending the University of...

Banks in Champaign, IL

Answer (1):


I suggest you become an investment banker. Commercial bankers and accountants seem to be more of the kind who do what they are told to do but investment bankers seem to be the ones who are allowed to be the most creative with what they want to accomplish.

When you get to the level of where you want to go, the connections you make with others are much more important than what you actually learn in school. U of IL is an excellent school but if you are planning to have a really high-powered career in the financial industry, there are many more influential people from places like The Wharton School at U. Penn (e.g., Donald Trump) and Harvard. If I could go back in time and redo my own education, I'd pay more attention to who graduated from my possible school choices rather than what courses they offer. When you get into the financial industry, it really is WHO you know, not WHAT you know. Good luck!