Would you be surprised to find out 18 million families filed for bankruptcy in the last 13 years?

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I googled the answer, added up the filings, rounding down, so the number maybe closer to 19 million filings. Not all bankruptcies are families. Not all bankruptcies are people who own a home. Not all bankruptcies involve medical bills, but 70% of them do. The median home is worth $250,000 in America. ...

Banks in Chesterton, IN

Answer (3):


The answer has been known since the 1930s . The banks must be brought under control . This is not Socialism . All the professions have some form of control over them where it is in the public interest . What could be more in the public interest than the control of how 'Higgins is a heathen he drives a dreary quill he lends the poor that funny cash that makes them poorer still" [ Chesterton ] who or what is the greatest cause of trouble in the world and has been for quite a while. I say it is the banks so why are both parties and worst still all the churches still supporting them


Welcome to democracy kid.

If you're not in the 1% you get a bankruptcy order. If you are in the 1% then you get a taxpayer funded bailout

Mother Hubbard

foreclosures plus medical bills-- It's THAT LOW???

I guess most Americans are too poor to need "bankruptcy".