Will we ever have a President with guts enough to stand up to the Federal Reserve Bank?

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I know that JFK was trying to warn us.

Banks in Wilton, ME

Answer (11):


Obama’s misnamed “Financial Regulatory Reform Plan” is a brazen attempt by the bankers to consolidate their power.

Obama’s plan will be run out of the Treasury under former New York Fed Grand Poobah Timothy Geithner.

Obama — or rather, the bankers who own Obama — has devised something called a “Financial Services Oversight Council” to be chaired by the bankster dominated Treasury Department. This uber-council would call the shots for every financial firm in the country and supposedly refer “emerging risks to the attention of regulators with the authority to respond,” even as Obama plans to call for the U.S. Office of Thrift Supervision to close under the direction of the Federal Reserve.

Instead of independent bank regulators, Obama proposes a “National Bank Supervisor” who would have “separate status within Treasury and be led by a single executive,” according to Clusterstock. The NBS czar would occupy a centralized post in enemy territory and “take over the prudential responsibilities of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, which currently charters and supervises nationally chartered banks and federal branches and agencies of foreign banks.”

Next up, Obama tells us he wants to create a Consumer Financial Protection Agency, a laughable proposal if it wasn’t so criminally dishonest. It would be charged with protecting consumers of credit, savings, payment and financial products and services, or so we are expected to believe. It will be another government behemoth beholden to the same financial elite that has so far ransacked the nation to the tune of trillions of dollars.

“The CFPA will be a massive new agency that will impact everyone in the United States in some form,” writes Andrew Busch, a markets strategist at BMO Capital Markets in Chicago. “Providing this much power to one agency is truly frightening as they will get to set the rules and pick the winners/losers for the financial sector.”

You know, the same “winners” now ruling the roost.

Then there is the Office of National Insurance, also to set up camp in the Treasury. It will allegedly improve and broaden the regulation of insurance companies and affiliates on a consolidated basis, including affiliates outside the traditional insurance business, and will offer consistent consumer protection for insurance products and practices.

The excuse for this one is the failure of AIG. On September 16, 2008, AIG suffered a liquidity crisis following the downgrade of its credit rating. It needed a $85 billion credit infusion from the money out of thin air folks over at the Federal Reserve. The Fed basically ended up owning AIG and its boatload of toxic debt.

If you check the Federal Reserve Act, you will see there is nothing in there about the ability to buy up insurance companies. But then, since the Fed is not actually a part of the U.S. government and is a private banking corporation owned by a consortium of private banks, it is not beholden to no stinking act passed in the dead of night during a Christmas recess way back in 1913.

•A d v e r t i s e m e n t
•It wasn’t insurance losses that nearly toppled AIG — it was the actions of secretive unit that caused more than $18 billion in losses for the world’s largest insurance company. AIG Financial Products was run like a hedge fund out of London and Wilton, Connecticut, and specialized in derivatives masquerading as “financial products.”

Do you think the Treasury, run by little Timmy Geithner — who was president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, worked for the master criminals Robert Rubin and Lawrence Summers, spent time at the CFR and learned a trick or two under the direction of Herr Kissinger and Associates — will “regulate” derivatives pretending to be “financial products” for insurance customers?


Wall Street and its international offshore banker overlords are addicted to derivatives. “These derivatives now amount to a total worldwide notional value that can be estimated between 1 quadrillion and two quadrillion US dollars. This sum is so large that it dwarfs the total value of the entire planet earth and all those who live here,” notes Webster G. Tarpley.

If you think Obama and crew plan to do something about this massive black hole, I have a bridge to sell you on Krypton.

Obama’s “Financial Regulatory Reform Plan” is but another bankster scam. It is an obvious plan to grab up more industries and goodies under the guise of “regulation” and (ack) “consumer protection.” So contemptuous of you and your family are the bankers they don’t even attempt to make this threadbare nonsense plausible. It is thievery right out in the open.

Our only hope at this point is the Federal Reserve Transparency Act, HR 1207, now up to 232 co-sponsors. It needs a two-thirds vote with 290 members on board so the bankster tool Obama will not veto it.

On that day of its passage there will be a short cry of hosanna — and then we will


We did.
Nixon whined and moaned and then imposed wage and price controls and took us off the gold standard.
Reagan got really po ed at Paul Volcker and then started deficit spending like it was out of style... that's right, the same Paul Volcker who is back from the dead and helping Obama.

In the end, the Fed gets what it wants because the president does not have to listen to the fed... the bankers around the world do. And if the president crosses the fed, his job gets a lot harder...meaning crashing dollar, skyrocketing interest rates, or soaring inflation, or .... ahem... all three. Yep. You fight wars and give tax cuts and pretty soon the bank owns you all right.

You know who really could thumb his nose at the Fed? Clinton. When you run surpluses, you can tell the Fed to go fly. After all, the best time to go into a bank and pull down your pants to take a cr*p at the teller 's window is when you do not need to borrow money, naturally.

But then, I have not met an American yet who is not up to his eyeballs in debt, so maybe you cannot understand that point.


On June 4, 1963, a virtually unknown Presidential decree, (executive order11110.htm)Executive Order 11110, was signed with the authority to basically strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest. With the stroke of a pen, President Kennedy declared that the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank would soon be out of business. The Christian Law Fellowship has exhaustively researched this matter through the Federal Register and Library of Congress. We can now safely conclude that this Executive Order has never been repealed, amended, or superseded by any subsequent Executive Order. In simple terms, it is still valid.
The issue isn't standing up against the fed as it is privately owned and not a government agency.
The issue is enforcing a law that exists and has never been repealed. The people of the US need to create a barrage of phone calls, letters, and emails to their congressman demanding they enforce executive order 11110. Once again, Executive Order 11110 is still valid. According to Title 3, United States Code, Section 301 dated January 26, 1998.
United States Notes" were issued as an interest-free and debt-free currency backed by silver reserves in the U.S. Treasury. We compared a "Federal Reserve Note" issued from the private central bank of the United States (the Federal Reserve Bank a/k/a Federal Reserve System), with a "United States Note" from the U.S. Treasury issued by President Kennedy's Executive Order. They almost look alike, except one says "Federal Reserve Note" on the top while the other says "United States Note". Also, the Federal Reserve Note has a green seal and serial number while the United States Note has a red seal and serial number.
The US does not need a federal reserve (private banks) to create and issue money, by executive order and law the US treasury can produce all we need backed by our vaulted assests.
This is a big scam and our delegates should put a stop to it and may actually act on it when the people of America demand they do so.

James M

Well the FRB is a scary clown! It takes the money, burns it, and creates more than it can back. When we challenge the direction it simply sets off a wave of small circuits to be able to exist as more than one entity at a time, thus creating the illusion that there is more money that actually exists. It has a way of wiggling around everyone and passing the BUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bob S


Obama will be the last president, if his current pattern holds true.

If he continues in his indicated path, the USA will very soon lose our sovereignty, our Constitution and any vestige of the government we refer to as a Constitutional Democratic Republic.

Once it is gone, it is gone, and by the time the world admits Obama has been an imposter and an illegal alien all along, it will be too late.


Ron Paul would have been the only other president who would have. Andrew jackson did too. Every other single 1 after JFK was a gutless puppet however.


Nope! Your Bush didn't, his father didn't, and NONE of them did or ever will. So I don't know why ya blame that on Obama. People can talk about "Ron Paul" all that want, but he ain't going to be able to stop nothing either. That crooked organization runs this country, and that's just the way it's going to be. And if it ain't Bernanke heading it, it will be another Jewish guy.

EDIT: Why are you thanking that jerk who keeps SPAMMING every post?! That's against the rules!


Obama is owned by these people, the same ones who bought the election for him. He will never stand up to them and is selling us down the drain every minute of every day.


Well, do you have any ideas in your big shark head on how he is supposed to do that?

"Being owned by the world bankers has never been more obvious than with Obama."

Really? Has never been more obvious than with Obama???? Oh my, where have you been?


If you will get off your butt, display signs and banners over freeway on ramps, etc...
Then Ron Paul might have a chance


Nope. Bank controls everything now.