Why don't libertarians ever point out the Louisiana Purchase was made courtesy of Hamilton's central bank?

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And that the Louisiana Purchase was technically not within the executive's power ?

Banks in Central Point, OR

Answer (8):


The central bank has none of its own money. It can just redistribute. What is your point? That money was taken from the American people.


I think you will find that Libertarians will admit fault on the part of their heroes - like Jefferson - under direct questioning. (unlike any "good" Republican or Democrat) So, yes, generally Libertarians are enlightened enough to see that even "good" presidents and good Libertarians make mistakes at times.

Hamilton's central bank is another matter - bad, bad, bad.

There is NOTHING good that can be said about a central bank - "Hamilton's" or otherwise.

I think it's best to separate the two - both of which were essentially "unconstitutional" - but one (the Louisiana Purchase) did nothing negative to the country and taxpayer - and the other (the Central Bank/Federal Reserve) has made us all slaves.

Personally, as Libertarians have few heroes and Jefferson is one of them - I'd be willing to grant that he should have handled the Louisiana Purchase differently - but that it truly WAS for the GOOD of the country - UNLIKE the Central Bank that has stolen the country's wealth and sovereignty.


And Jefferson should have gotten a one time Constitutional amendment for that. He agonized over it and didn't do it.

Hopefully, seeing the result of so many ignoring our Constitution, he would have done so today.

But today, I don't think an amendment like that would pass.

Why should we 'point it out'? We can point to our dollar being worth 4 cents on the dollar the Federal Reserve took over in 1913 to show what is bad about a central bank, and Hamilton's was kicked out before that, when people realized how bad it was.

" Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time, and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter, I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the eternal God, I will rout you out. "

Andrew Jackson

However, the Constitution did permit debt and they could have gotten it somewhere else, not from a central bank.

Donald F

It wasn't constitutional anyway, so what's your point? Most real libertarians don't look at the Louisiana Purchase as a great thing, even though it was a steal at those prices. The French no longer wanted it anyway. It was a step toward empire and bigger government and doubled the size of the republic.

Darling J

Well, just because you're a Libertarian doesn't mean you have a formal grasp of US history. Then again, maybe most Libertarians simply think Hamilton was an S.O.B., which arguably he was.

; )

By the way, this will likely be the best/most thoughtful question to be posted all day here--thanks!

Françoise H

And furthermore that Jefferson did it in spite of not having any clear Constitutional authority to do so

US Army Veteran

Is that why that President Bush abandoned New Orleans to be devoured by Katrina.


does this mean we can sell it back to them? taxpayers money keeping afloat has made it a terrible investment.