Why does Obama say he is against trickle down economic, but supports big bank bailouts in hope it trickles?

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down to the rest of America?

obama said the economy should bubble up...so why doesn't he support pouring billions into small banks...

Banks in Hope, IN

Answer (6):


I’m no economist but many of them say we cannot allow the banks to fail, so I will have to go with them on that thought. As far as trickle down, again no economist here, but we tried that and it does not work. If Obama bails out small banks people will complain, if the economy fails they will complain, if he cures cancer, they will still complain. I think he has to listen to people who know what’s best and we can’t bail out everyone.


ALL economic growth is based on trickle down theory, not trickle up or bubble up. How do we trickle up or bubble up if we have no capital? Somebody has to build a plant before anyone can work there. That takes capital. When the first worker is hired, that’s the start of trickle down economics.

Obama has to say he opposes trickle down economics because the term was introduced by the Reagan administration.

The "bubble up" concept is absurd. If you have no capital to start with, what is there to "bubble up" from?

No need for Enzyte

Consider a country without banks. What do you think would be the effects on the typical middle class person who wants to save for retirement or take out a mortgage to buy a house?

The trickle down theory is something different from that. The trickle down theory says that if you cut taxes for the wealthy, they will decide to hire more working class people.

Two different theories.

Ashley M

He is wanting the government to have dictatorship over the banks. The should have filed for bankruptcy.

Joan Crawford's Crazy Eyes

He was preventing absolute collapse - not "hoping for trickle down".


"Preventing collapse" they say but won't let them pay the money back. Very curious..seems more like engineering collapse.