Why do Jews have houses in West Bank in the first place?

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Since Obama is telling Israli to make them sell their houses & move away? No one lived there before. And so why make them move? Also, East Jerusalem. Why do Israelites originally live in East Jerusalem? And why make them move out? And also, why did the US ask Jews to leave Gaza? And why were there Jews...

Answer (8):


Israel was attacked many times by their neighbors, and won each time. They tried to return Gaza to Egypt, but Egypt would not accept the people and the problems involved. From that time, the international community expects Israel to take responsibility for their every need.

When Israel unilaterally disengaged from Gaza, the area immediately descended into anarchy (they cannot govern themselves) and they began firing daily barrages of rockets into Israel. Israel tolerated the rockets for three years before responding.

The Palestinians and the West Bank were actually Jordanians until they suddenly became Palestinians overnight. No other nation on earth has been forced to return land won in war. Why is Israel held to a higher standard? Should land lost in WW-I be returned to the Ottoman Empire? Poland has been over-run time after time. To whom should they return their land?

The international community seems to be wearing blinders!

Israelites in East Jerusalem??? There are Israelis in East Jerusalem including many Muslims and Christians. Why do you see a problem here? Again you want the victors to return the spoils? In your dreams!


before 1948
Palestine was part of Jordan, populated by jews (safardy jews), christians and muslims. After the european jews immigrated in large numbers to Palestine, they pushed out residents and took over, that is why there is refugee camps all over and a UN agency called UNRWA to offer help. This temporary agency is 60 temp.years old, with a huge budget supported by UN members


Er no, Palestinians lived in the west bank before the UN made Israel a nation.

bunny's sinead

try and read a book
"Exodus by Leon Uris"
this will give you a background to the story of Isreal
it is a case of forming a new country, about the Jews returning to
what they claim as their 'Homeland'


Read the Bible !it was a Jewish land !and Jews have always lived there!

The Bricklayer

Technically ,The West Bank is in Israel.


It makes sense to remove obstacles preventing peace that have existed for decades.


It's a long story. Look it up online