Why do democrats continue to say that John McCain didn't try to stop the banking crisis earlier in he career?

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http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=s109-190 S. 190 [109th]: Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2005 Sponsor: Sen. Charles Hagel [R-NE]hide cosponsors Cosponsors [as of 2007-01-08] Sen. Elizabeth Dole [R-NC] Sen. John McCain [R-AZ] Sen. John Sununu [R-NH] Introduced Jan. 26,...

Answer (10):


Moreover, why isn't the media discussing how the CEO of Fannie who ran it into the ground was asked to head Obama's VP search committee? Why aren't they talking about the CEO of Freddie who was Obama's principle housing and mortgage advisor?


Key words in your question are ' early in his career ' . Yes he did to be truthful back in the days of the Maverick. What did he vote on recently concerning this hm?

He is no longer the Maverick he's now Pinocchio. Both good movies for entertainment but have little to do with substance.

[email protected]

How did the Democrats stop it when the Republicans controlled both houses of Congress and the Executive branch in 2005.


Because if you read the Act, it was the opposite of the title.

McCain is part of a major banking scandal earlier in his career, he is one of the Keating Five and cost the taxpayers billions bailing out S&Ls back in the 1980s. Don't kid yourself that he is a maverick or a reformer. He is a major corporate shill like all good GOPers who just wants to give big business free reign to rob the American people.


Because the left has done nothing but be obstructive for 8 years. They couldn't care less about the American people, they just cared about socking it to Bush. It's a shame that they disregard 300 MILLION people just to get back at Bush with whom they're so completely consumed by hate.


because he voted for deregulation it's a fact can't change it no matter how much we want to


And many Republicans also voted for it. McCain was a major outsider, and they still hate him for trying to do things that weren't rubber stamped by the party.

Plumber Rock

Because he was right. It does not fit their need. They will not hear the truth.

Galaxie Girl

Because they refuse to accept facts as truth.


Because McPain is disabled, did you forget?
