Why can people like this declare bankruptcy while earning over €250 000 a year off NAMA in rent for their treasury building?

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While the same time they're supposed to be chasing him for money? His company owed € 2.7 billion of which €1.7 was owed to the Irish taxpayer and he left NAMA in a deal worth €300 million and is now back up an running! A great little country for cronyism! Lets "look after the boys" fcuk the other 99.9...

Answer (2):


Dunno why you're shocked since the likes of Mick Wallace who owes the bank €40,000,000 but still has a cushy seat in Dáil Éireann and a 100 grand salary while any joe soap who's on the breadline gets their house repossessed if they miss a payment in their mortgage. Hell look at the crowd in Dunnes, the poor bastards can't even get proper contracts and some are living on €150 a week for fuсks sake.

