Why are U.S. Kingdom Halls being told they must send HQ everything in their bank account bar $5,000?

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What's going on? Why are all U.S. Kingdom Halls being told they can only retain $5,000 plus 3 months' expenses, and the surplus must be sent to HQ? Is the organisation going broke? How many millions will the Society harvest after every congregation hands over everything in excess of this paltry amount...

Answer (10):


I listened to an audio recording of this letter being read. It was pretty interesting. The speaker already had a list of FAQs written out that he addressed and then took questions. He also read the letter as is, but then when talking about it, omitted the word 'projects'. It definitely makes it sound as though all those assembly halls and kingdom halls are needed as complete buildings, rather than 'projects'. Projects could be something as simple as a little remodel, but definitely not building an entire building. This is a money scam.

Probably the most interesting thing was how a form was passed out to everyone there. It was a form to say how much you're pledging of your own funds to give every month. It was stated that direct debit was the preferred method for giving. No doubt if they fall short, they will get a guilt trip because those people pledged their money and if they don't give it, they are "letting Jehovah down and breaking a promise to Jehovah". The letter said they would have until the end of the month to decide, but apparently that was changed and sped up - reason unknown. The people in this congregation only had one week to decide on an amount. If every congregation agrees to send $300 per month, that is more than $34 Million monthly going straight to the society. That does not include the surplus money from the bank accounts. Some of these congregations have just finished making their last loan payment. Now they will be making payments without end. There are too many KHs and AHs for sale...they don't need more. This is greed. Just greed.

They have become what they've always blasted Christendom for. JWs now tithe.

**EDIT: After reading what Angelmusic said, I decided to listen to the audio again. It says...If you are able to use the direct debit method, it is preferred by the society, because it reduces the accounting paperwork and reduces the number of trips to the bank.


There is no Biblical support for any organization to demand money.

Tithe is an OT temple tax. Jesus fulfilled that law. The tithe was a requirement of the law in which all Israelites were to give 10 percent of everything they earned and grew to the Tabernacle/Temple (Leviticus 27:30; Numbers 18:26; Deuteronomy 14:24; 2 Chronicles 31:5).

Paul states that believers should set aside a portion of their income in order to support the church (1 Corinthians 16:1-2). Above all, all offerings should be given with pure motives and an attitude of worship to God and service to the body of Christ. “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7).

If you read the story about Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-11) you see how important it is we do not set the weight on the amount, but the heart and attitude. Peter very clearly tells them that the money was their to keep.

About the widow that gave "two mites" (Mark 12:41-44), Jesus say: "this poor widow has put in more than all" This story is NOT about giving. Read it in context. It is about a sick sinful religious system that exploits the weak and widows. She used her two last coins to try to buy some blessings from God. That was what the system thought, and that is what many teaches today. The widow gave her last money and went home to die.

Paul went around collecting money for the church in Jerusalem for two reasons. Building a bridge between the gentiles and the Jews, second, the church was really poor. He never set any amount, because that is always up to the heart of the giver, and God`s grace to give.



Any mortgages on our Kingdom Halls have been completely paid and the extra surplus we will now have is being sent to pay for the thousands of new Halls and Assembly bldgs.
Jehovah is blessing his organization. We want new Halls and facilities to be built so that millions more can have beautiful places of worship when they stream to Jehovah's spiritual mountain.
We are growing so fast, it is hard to keep up with it.
Jehovah said this would happen. He did not lie.
Instead of single Halls we need double Halls. We sometimes have three or more congregations meeting at the same Hall like the one I attend in Florida.
We have our congregation which is filled, the Spanish congregation, and the sign language congregation for the deaf. They all share one Hall. We are going to have to build a bigger one soon. So many new ones are attending and what a blessing that is.
The new ones bring their KJV of the Bible and are making wonderful progress in learning the truth about Jehovah and his Kingdom.
Jehovah is blessing our efforts in the ministry. Jehovah loves a cheerful giver and we are happy to help build new places of worship dedicated to our God and the glorious Kingdom that rules from the heavens above.
We are doing just fine. Don't concern yourself with such things. Jehovah is taking care of his people. We leave everything in his hands and Jehovah's Son Christ Jesus is also making sure the good news is being preached as he commanded.
With Jehovah and Christ Jesus on our side, we cannot fail.


I can't imagine the JWs are broke. It's obviously for a project that requires a huge amount of concentrated capital, either a new super-building of some kind, or they're going into TV production!

The Watchtower Channel.... *shudder*

Actually it may also be a response to try and end some sort of widespread embezzlement or fraud. Could it be possible some KH are using their funds in a not so above board manner?


Firstly, any and all contributions are voluntary, not compulsory.
Secondly, all congregations throughout the world, if asked to contribute for a particular reason, for example to build new Kingdom Halls in countries where the brothers are poor and can't afford to build their own,then the elders ASK the congregation IF they would like to GIVE whatever they would like to be able to help their poorer brothers. This specific need is always met directly from the requested donated funds and is never used for any other purpose.
Thirdly, in proposing to help needier ones it is always wise to calculate the cost before embarking on these very expensive ventures, eg, building needed Kingdom Halls." 28 For example, who of YOU that wants to build a tower does not first sit down and calculate the expense, to see if he has enough to complete it? 29 Otherwise, he might lay its foundation but not be able to finish it, and all the onlookers might start to ridicule him, 30 saying, ‘This man started to build but was not able to finish.’ !" Luke 14:27-30 Very wisely the governing body ask, not tell, not demand, any who are willing to help needy ones to have their own Kingdom Hall, to remember to make their contribution into a specific box, discreetly placed at the rear of the hall.
" 14 but that by means of an equalizing YOUR surplus just now might offset their deficiency, in order that their surplus might also come to offset YOUR deficiency, that an equalizing might take place. 15 Just as it is written: “The person with much did not have too much, and the person with little did not have too little.”
2 Corinthians 8:13-15


Maybe they had a much larger loss with all those court cases over child rapes/molestations within the organization. Maybe their stocks in military equipment went south. Maybe Gods sheep are leaving in droves and members are starting to research as they should.

perhaps they are secretly building underground

Vincent G

Religion is a money making scam. What is so surprising about some people in HQ wanting to indulge in all that cash to hire a couple of hookers for a night of boozing?


I guess it is greed. Just like Popes used to sell indulgences!

St Thecla

unbelievable!! It's all about cash$$. Read this:


I just returned from a trip to Zambia, Africa, and I saw at least three Kingdom Halls that are without electricity and need new furnishings. Many there make a small percentage of what we do in this country and more of their funds go to basic necessities.

I am MORE THAN GLAD to help with my 5 or 10 dollars a month to see these brothers and sisters have what they need to learn in the basics of comfort. I feel privileged to help out, just like the Israelites felt in contributing to the building of the Tabernacle.

We were not given a set amount or percentage, but what ever we voluntarily choose to give.

Direct debit is not preferred, because the funds go into an account at the local Kingdom Hall and then are transferred in a lump sum of what is given by others also.

I am doing what I can do to "equalize their deficiency" as the scripture admonishes.

So many Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls are up for sale because larger ones are needed. We have outgrown what was first purchased or built. Parking space is a big problem, and so other facilities have to be obtained.