Who profited from the bank bailouts? Could it be insider trading?

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The 25 chief executives of global financial heavyweights pocketed a total of 25.33 billion dollars (18.6 billion euros), doubling their earnings from 2008, according to a ranking by industry magazine AR Absolute Return+Alpha. “The world may still be coming out of the Great Recession, but for the richest hedge...

Banks in Lincoln, AR

Answer (5):


The government and the banker cartel whic the Fed was created to sustain got a bigger share in or outright ownership of the banks which were bailed out. Monopoly has always been the aim of these bankers and the Fed was created to allow themto achieve this aim with government (and taxpayer) help. Nationalisation of the banks has been the aim of both Reps and Dems since Lincoln and Wilson. The aims of nationalisation and monopoly dovetail, since the bankers and the government are partners with mutual interests.


It was a double pay off. The banks got their money 100 cents on the dollar and the investors got their money 100 cents on the dollar. Even the credit default swaps got 100 cents on the dollar. It was nothing but a major raping of the people. Paulson was saying 40 cents or less on the dollar but that is not what happened.
The people were told they would make allot of money on the bailouts and now it is a slush fund.


How Ironic that the FED Reserve was created to bailout itself


The Elites did. They're looting our country and getting ready to close in on us.


you have not seen anything yet the show just started....and BUSHCO started it as was planed out years in advance.....