Which bank...?

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i need a bank account. im 14 and im getting a job. i live in canada (New Brunswick) so i can choose from these:

BMO, or Scotia Bank those are the biggest banks in my area so i know i can trust them more than the little ones.

Banks in Brunswick, ME

Answer (1):


I have a savings account at a back in my hometown and found it difficult when I went to college because there wasn't one in the town. Pick the one that has more locations, you'll be able to avoid fees if you have an ATM card.

I would juggest to get the basic account. Don't get one that requires you to keep a minimum amount of $$ in there. You can get fees if you go below that amount and when you begin to have expenses you'll see your money fluxuate and you don't want to lose any of that to fees. Usually you'll have to have someone on the account with you (probably a parent or gardian) so make sure they go with you to open it. Also, they can help you make a good decision. If the bank you choose doesn't offer accounts like the one I described, ask the person helping you what they think would be best. They're not trying to get your money, and they'll be honest if they actually know what they're talking about.