What will be the angle of the road banked at zero friction.?

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A car is travelling at a speed of 55 mi/hr along a bamked highway having a radius of curvature of 500 ft. at what angle should the road be banked in order that a zero friction force is needed for the car to go around this curve ?

Banks in Batesville, IN

Answer (1):


v = 55mi/hr * 5280ft/mi * hr/3600s = 80.667 ft/s

θ = arctan[v² / rg]
θ = arctan[(80.67ft/s)² / (500ft*32.2ft/s)]
θ = arctan[ 6,507 ft²/s² / 16,500 ft²/s²]
θ =arctan(0.404) = 22°
