What public restroom stall image is burned into your retina and memory bank for life?

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As a teen, cleaning a male and female restroom was part of a job, amongst other responsibilities. The things woman leave behind is beyond belief. It staggers the imagination.

What is your fondest bathroom visual?

Banks in Barstow, CA

Answer (10):

Crash Fu™

June 1992, Chevron - Barstow, CA.

People are gathered all around the men's restroom, some taking pictures. I figure someone has passed out.

Lo and behold I discover the grisly truth. A loaf the likes of which has not been seen in decades stands a full 4 to 5 inches above the toilet seat line with a tinge of blood on top. Standing full upright, it was probably 24-28" in overall length. A true monolith, a Wonder of the Natural World.

Victoria M

Imagine a young me, 16 or so, sitting in a fast food place with a couple of my friends, out of the corner of my eye I see an old woman stand up and practically run like her bums on fire to the ladies room. Not really thinking much more about it we forgot about it and continued on. Before leaving I realized I needed to use the restroom before departure, so naturally I headed to the ladies room. Stepping into the bathroom I encountered a smell that one can only describe as “death by poop”. The stall in the bathroom looked like it had been hosed down with doo.. it was oozing from the seat, down the side of the toilet, on the walls of the stall, on the back of the toilet, on the tile.. every where. It was horrifying.

I also, went to a inner city school in Tampa- located conveniently in the hood. There wasn’t a day that went by, that those toilets weren’t overflowing with used pads and tampons and even the occasional hair weave. Being a female myself I could deal with that. But it was the day that I walked into the bathroom to find a young female pooping in the sink that I realized exactly how much I hated that school. She will forever be burned into my memory as “The Duku Queen”. Those were the days.


Marriott Hotel Lobby bathroom in Louisville Kentucky. Somebody had the hersey squirts all over the stall. Yes even the walls of it of the stall. I was tricked by my friend into going in there he said dude you have to see this its like going to Rome and not seeing the Colosseum. Just go check it out. I was mortified.

Emo Ellen Degeneres

A glory hole in MI
Jared drug me into his favorite conviniecne stores mens bathroom and made me look at it.

My fondest memory was tripping some high class broad in a Speedway bathroom

Conspiracy Carrot

Mopping up puke covering the walls and stalls in a bar/restaurant where I worked. Or a creepy old man eyeing me through the crack in a stall door at a rest area. I couldn't go, I had to get the F outta there.


I was working at TGI Fridays as a waiter, putting myself through college...

I was asked to clean the womans bathroom at closing... so I did...

In one of the stalls was a bloody maxi-pad stuck to the side of the toilet with some stray pubes...

The poor bus-boy had to not only clean that up, by my vomit...as I hurled everywhere....

John A

my fondest memory is from a port-o-john on the job site.
lets just say that there was 80% Mex and 20% other, you know what comes out after eating Mexican food

▐▀▀▼▀▀▌ ►Maddy◄ ▐▄▄▲▄▄▌

once wen i was like 10 i went to a public park on a field trip and there was a bathroom i still remeber how it looked and its smell but whats really stuck in my mind about that bathroom is that there was a homeless lady washing her socks in the sink at the time.


this is NOT a fond memory, but it is memorable:

a couple days ago i saw a girl doing lines of cocaine off of the sanitary napkin receptacle in a public bathroom. EW.

Dr. Werewolf Was Tamed By Y!A

it looked like H and R Puffnstuff had imploded inside the comode itself and most of the gooey excess was splattered across the walls and door. not to mention the smell, can you say Black Christmas?