What makes more $$...Petrochemical Engineer or Banking?

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I just graduated from highschool, and now my options are open. I was thinking of either: 1) Petrochemical Engineering 2) Banking I pick up things very fast, and I'm a hard worker. In short, what would make more money? And I live in the middle east, where theres alot of oil, (if it matters). But I love...

Answer (3):


Petroleum engineers make on average: $83,121 a year or roughly 40$ an hour

Banking is very broad, you could be a bank teller who makes 11.5$ an hour or an operations manager making 43$ maybe a loan officer at 25.72$? I guess it depends on the level of education and experience at hand.

My advice though ... try to steer clear of the petroleum area since were doing our best to create cars that use less gas. Remember Obama's clean energy act? We're talking wind,solar, and water in the near future.

Banking is pretty competitive though and fluctuates a lot in this economy. Choose wisely and good luck.

Go with the flow

Have you seen how much petroleum engineers are earning out of college?
It's upwards 75K a year. US dollars - the highest paying degree you can get.
Banking will never get you that unless you are seriously lucky.

Risk: (and why people are NOT taking this degree)
We may not be as dependent on oil soon.
Some say that in 20 years oil need will be cut in half.
That's why no one is taking this degree.
Do your research first.


Id say Banking, just saying tho.. I know that here in the USA bankers get alot of money and that engineers in this economy are going jobless so..yeah still do w/e u think is best.