What can actually make a Bank Fail and how can entire system fail specifically?

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This seems like a basic question at this point, though I have been thinking about it and how can large Banks actually fail. There were questions of if the government would or wouldn't bail them out, but when you look at the transitions cycles of funding and investments there would have to be a legitimate loss...

Banks in City of Industry, CA

Answer (2):


Just get everyone to withdraw their funds from the banks around the country.......Bank dont have enough gold to cover what they lend.

railroad dave

how to collapse the american banking system ( and domino the rest of the worlds banks too ) :
first you get the zionist agenda of greed to pay off Dodd , as chairman of the senate banking committee , to repeal the Glass - Stegaull Act , back in 1998 . this allowed the banks to play casino with our money . they created a huge bubble in the housing prices .they created a way to bundle thousands of shaky mortgages to make them look like AAA bonds and sold them around the world . this is why greece , ireland , iceland etc banks are in trouble now .
at the same time they stepped up the zionist invention of free trade agreements . this put millions of americans out of work while moving the jobs to communists in china , just so the fat cats can make a few pennies extra profit .
eventually all ponzi schemes have to collapse .
wealth does not disappear , it just changes hands . 3% ( about 10 million people ) own 90% of all wealth in america . in a game of monopoly , the game ends when one person own everything . what happens when one pathologically greedy group owns everything in america ?