What are the signs your bank is failing?

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Top 10 Signs that Your Bank Is Failing 10. Free handful of Jelly Babies with every new account. 9. They hand out calendars one month at a time. 8. Security guard offers to walk you back to your office for five pounds. 7. Overhear branch manager muttering to himself, "I wonder if you can eat...

Answer (7):

Tuppence Knightley

My bank rents out the premises for car boot sales at the weekends.


hi u want to know i only keep a little money in the bank the rest is in property which i rent out and which pays of other property i have in other countries in case one bank fail i have others to cover but no singns of banks that fail at the moment and the economy here is starting to pick up and things are going to happen which i pretty interested in the future but i still love and dove u jim


or notice the bank manager standing on a street corner selling news papers


11) you notice that on the outside, bank is spelled backwards.

m c

Bank employees bank elsewhere.

silly girl

your receipt from the ATM machine says withdraw in denominations of $1.00!


0. Instead of guys wearing ties, they tape paper bags to their shirts.