Tyra Banks is a hypocrite!!!!?

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OK IM Really Starting to HATE Tyra NOW!! I was Watching her Show 1 day and i seen a Girl on there and she Hate HER Eyes She was Chinese And i Guess She Wanted to get eye surgery... and tyra Told her To not get It Be yourself...... UM TYRA HAVE U 4Got that U GOT A NOSE JOB Not 1 But 2 AT THAT??? And Then She Also...

Banks in Carmel, IN

Answer (3):


she's all about, "Embracing full figure" but almost had a heart attack when a picture of her in a bathing suit came out and they said she looks fat.

in her show, she's anti-anorexic. but on ANTM she works with women that are 5ft 10in and they are a size 1. and on ANTM, she compliments them on how good they look, but you see them starving themselves and even passing out sometimes!!!
yah, she has some plus size models, but when they have to try on clothes and stuff like that, they don't alway fit the plus size one. and there are more skinny then plus size.
One moment, tyra is very proper and elequent, the next, she's a gangsta girl from the hood.
she's all about women respecting thier bodies and how its not just about sex apeal, but personality, but makes her models pose nude!
She got nose job!! and she's talking about how black women should be proud.
she got a nose job and wears white-women-wigs!
also I hate how she exploits the models about their personal life during the show..then if they dont cry or something she is pissed because it doesnt make good TV...that was the reason why she lashed out at that girl because she left smiling instead of crying so it made her angry!And Im sick of hearing her boasting that she doesnt have breast implants and stuff..,,fair enough and its true but she done a nose job which is worse because her nose was part of her heritage.So yeah she is a hypocrite in my opinion!

adisha Cant Deal With dis anymor

i No i thought i was the only 1 seeing this OMG U ARE SO Right!!!
im Staring to Hate her to she thinks she is the Stuff since she has Her Own SHOW... IM Black and im PROUD Thats All she says!! YEAH Right Tyra u arent Proud u Had a Nose Job and u Bleach so Whatever!


Celebrities. All they have is crap!