There are those who despise Democrats because they are "Socialist"! Will U withdraw money if your bank fails?

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"By MARCY GORDON, AP Business Writer Marcy Gordon, Ap Business Writer – 38 mins ago WASHINGTON – Real estate lender Colonial BancGroup Inc. has been shut down by federal officials in the biggest U.S. bank failure this year. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., which was appointed receiver of the...

Banks in Gilbert, LA

Answer (6):


Americans are known world-wide for their poor education. One indication of it is their lack of knowledge of the definition of words such as "socialism."

Sometimes I don't really care. If they want to act so arrogant all the time, meanwhile supporting the continued invasion of Iraq, then just let their economy fail, let them get sick and not afford health care.


The basic truth is the world is too complicated for an individual to understand. A block diagram of how our financial system works would either be too simple to have meaning, or a fractal.

For me, I don't even attempt to understand the machinations of government or financial institutions. I make sure I can provide a useful service to companies that I think provide useful services to the community. I am reasonably diligent in my work. I have most of my money in a checking account, and pay off my credit card every month. The remainder I invest in stocks that cover the spectrum of public businesses (actually, in Municipals). I keep $1,000, 2 Kruggerands, and a Glock in the drawer next to my bed. As for politics and the government and bureaucracy in general, I wish them all well, and avoid them whenever I can.


Ted S

I'm all for capitalism. But we've never had that since we've always been controlled by offshore banks. If we were to return to the Constitution and have sound money printed by Congress and not a private bank (Federal Reserve), there might be a chance.

But to answer the question, I'd rather not have banks. Especially when they run on fractional reserve banking. If they set to a 1:1 ratio, then yeah, I'd be down for banks again.


you never stated why the banks failed? and you also give too much credit to fdr and other libs that think they know what's best for people instead of letting people decide their own fate. how large would one's retirement portfolio be if there wasn't a social security fund? if bureaucrats were taken out of the medical system, how much would the cost go down? if banks had to answer to their account holders instead of government employees, how would they invest? don't thank the government for restricting how you could live if they weren't in the way.

Yishka Bedishka

Do most Americans have banking accounts anymore? Or are their accounts dwindling due to the lack of employment and their high-end lifestyle?

avatar of the unification

one and all should withdraw their money and see how powerful the banks are not,..

we need a true communist government and should throw capitalism into the garbage,..

capitalism is basically keeping americans indentured servants,..

do a word study on the 'mortgage',..

i e a e,..
avatar of the unification,..