The banksters are running wild and causing massive inflation to our dollar (5% drop in value just this year)?

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The Rothschild banking cartel has ruined the world. They took over China's central bank in 08, and the Central banks of the world s/a the IMF now invest in U.S. treasury bond securities, which means they are buying up our debt. America is owned by foreign investors. The Rothschild monopoly of central banks own...

Banks in Wilder, ID

Answer (8):


Somewhere in all that you have a valid point. Im an Aussie and we have a population of 22 million. Of which only about 12 million are workers who contribute to the economy. Yet our dollar, created by a paltry work force compared to Americas--is stronger and worth more !!! How the heck did that happen??
And I have wondered too how you Americans feel about little old Aussie having such a small population can have a dollar out buying your own?
Seems really wierd the mightiest nation on Earth with so many people in it can be bought and sold by us Kangaroos?Someone in your country must have stuffed up big time ?
As of today July 4 we get 107 cents American for every 1 of ours so that has to be a big problem for such a large country if we can do that.You only get 93 cents Aussie. Wow, Id be totally peee--ohhd if I was American.But , if you vote for actors and first timers just because its cool to do so--well, receive what you voted for then?????All very well to vote in the first Black President but I can tell you this, we never got any where near this kind of exchange rate previously. Im not being negative about Obama personally, just trying to point out doing it because Oprah and a few hollywood celebs got on the bandwagon was not really so clever --dont ya think? This mentality there that because someone in showbiz goes yeah yeah means anything is total crap but no-one is listening to common sense there, just celeb hype and whats it got you? One hell of a busted economy. Come important elections for the love of common sense America, vote for a brainiac nerd who can do some serious politicking instead of a glitzy hollywood production and you might just get a decent deal.
Makes sense to me to vote in a politician and not someone simply because a talk show host and a movie star said to.Bluntly, you got what you voted for, Hollywood hype and darn little else.

Randy H

Yes, you're right.

Conservative or Liberal? This issue crosses that line. Perhaps the only President in recent memory to oppose them (and not be owned by them) was JFK. He might have died for it. Even Kennedy had to fight the CFRs and Wall-Streeters that somehow occupy important spots in our government.

While it is certainly true that Obama has "printed money," remember that Geo Bush single handedly more than doubled the national debt from 5 Trillion to over 11 Trillion in 8 short years, with $ left to be spent to bailout Wall Street.

Mayer Rothschild knew what he was doing when he commissioned Weishaupt to start the Illuminati. Fighting against the/a central bank has been ongoing since the early days of this country.


Since this cartel controls the economy the collapse can't be stopped. The bankster NWO can be, if enough people realize what has happened, and take control of the governments.

The governments would have to stand firmly against the private creation of debt, loaned at interest to the governments, and develop a new equal opportunity monetary system for the benefit of the people. A gold standard won't be feasible, since the banksters own most of it. A new amendment to the U.S constitution would be necessary and a Congressional tightly regulated fiat currency would be the correct method, modeled on Pennsylvanian colonial scrip.


There is no Rothschild banking cartel, they didn't take over China's National bank, and they are not buying up all our debt. In fact, our "debt" is mainly in bonds and T-bills, much of which is owned by US citizens.
Owning US bonds is not the same as owning America.
There is no new world order, and the banking industry does not own Washington. The banker's lobby is just another of the many lobbys in Washington. No, we are not going to default on the national debt.
Yes, we bailed out some of the largest banks, which most of them have paid back, with interest.


Geithner will be out by Fall, no later than Nov. Surely Obama won't be foolish enough to name a new Treasury Secretary with ties to banking

Former SEC Chairman Christopher Cox "Is there ANYONE at Treasury who doesn't have connections to Goldman or the Fed?"

None ya.

It is really all because Obama had so many trillions of dollars printed up that it de valued the American paper $1 bill to only be worth 3 cents now.

Ron Paul wants to do away with the Federal Reserve and re instate the US Mint to produce money backed by Silver the way it was years ago.

Ron Paul IF elected wants to do away with the IRS, because in 1913 there was a bill created to create the IRS, BUT it was NEVER ratified or signed into law..

lal kutta

The US is too busy meddling in other countries affairs (in the name of peace and democracy) too worry about what is happening to its own people.
Homelessness , inflation, unemployment are the norm for the US now. It is the unfortunate result of banking and business , without a watchdog to regulate.

Why Me???

Nice try but your RANT is wrong it is your liberal messiah spending like a drunk sailor that has caused the devaluation

YOU A CONSERVATIVE?? No way jose.....nice try but your a libbie and delusional conspiracy go back to drinking your Koolaid