The Bank suddenly told you that you had a $5M Account - Would you withdraw the money from that account?

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The 48-year-old salesman said he tried to tell officials at Commerce Bank in December that he did not have a $5 million dollar account.

Lovell said he was told that it was his and he could withdraw the money.

Answer (10):


I'd be veeeeeeeeeeery tempted.Withdraing money would predetermine me an easy and sweet life(in a large house next to a beach probably) but it would be a constant hiding and fear of suspicion.So,I prefer to make this money on my own ;-))))))))))

[email protected]

I would be sure it was legitimate first. All the money there? Good. OK...Hows the interest gain on this account? Can I do better with a bank? Then, make a reasonable business decision. Then marry mi amor! Take off to the Bahamas or something. ;) Now I'm plannin' ! :)


I would check with the bank too. But on a satellite phone from the Cayman Islands after having transferred the money to my Swiss bank account. Feel like a vacation. It may be a long one.

Is that all there is?

Why not? Then one day, like the terminator above, I would check "discreetly" to find out if it was an actual mistake from Bank computer, or it was sent from someone.


Well, since that is alot of scratch, I would check to see where the foul up originated first, Cutie. After, I exhausted all of the possibilities, then hey, it is party time. Peace!


no i would check with the bank again, to verify where this money came from.


yes , on my way to the Cayman Islands. No extradition!

Jeff D

Be prepared to pay it back once the truth unfolds... which it will.

Captain Brock

Naw, doesn't matter. They will still come after him eventually when they figure it out.


Gone, gone, gone, she be gone, gone, gone, she be gone, gone, gone, so long, hasta la vista baby!