Texas Murder: Husband shoots dead armed bank robber! Don't we need Justice for that poor Robbers Family?

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"A Texas man dramatically turned the tables on two bank robbery suspects who had abducted him and his wife on Thursday, by pulling a gun on the duo and shooting them both, killing one. According to KHOU, the unnamed couple were targeted by brothers Jordan, 20, and Preston Kutach, 21, who knew that the...

Banks in Eagle Lake, ME

Answer (3):

Forever King

Yes librals boycott Texas and stay in new york and cailifornia.

AZ Rider

Don't mess with Texas. Those bank robbers and kidnappers got what they deserved.. Too bad the other robber lived.


I see republicans are parroting the same random crime stories again.

So, again, I will remind you that this was not a case of stand your ground, and was justifiable homicide since the men kidnapped this family and threatened their lives. They family could not leave the situation, could not retreat, which is why they had to use deadly force.