So if elected Mitt is going to, say it together everyone, give rich guys more tax cuts and deregulate banks...?

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Do you think that will "Get America on its feet again?"

Banks in Clinton, MI

Answer (6):


Here's what I know, right now -
I cannot refinance my house. I have spoken to bank after bank after bank, and they all say the same thing ... "Our hands are tied". I have a good job that is in my career, I have never, ever, in the 30 years I have owned a home been late a single time on a mortgage payment.

When I started out, it was difficult for me to get a mortgage - I had to prove all kinds of things as to my income, my credit history, my stability as a citizen, and that's how it should be. Within those guidelines, BANKS made their decisions - not the government.

During the 90's, it wasn't banks that were deregulated - it was again government involvement. Dodd-Frank forced banks to make subprime loans so they wouldn't be called "Racist" - in exchange for violating their OWN lending standards, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac guaranteed those loans - despite a REPUBLICAN push to regulate those agencies, to make THEM ascribe to stricter standards.

Now, in backlash, and in support of the talking points, banks are taking the heat for the whole meltdown. I know people who are officers of banks, who are mortgage people, and they all say the same thing. We don't work anymore, we don't analyze credit, we don't run our own banks - the government does. We fill out forms.

And the tax cut thing is your own fantasy, your own Kool-aid haze of mis information. Romney's tax cut plan is ACROSS THE BOARD, so yes, rich guys will get more - because they pay more anyway. You know this, but you don't really want to talk about it.

Tax cuts stimulate the economy - especially capital gains tax cuts. They worked for Clinton twice, and Bush once. Income tax cuts stimulate the economy - they worked for JFK and they worked for Reagan.

Your problem is that you don't care if the government gets more revenue, you don't care if people go back to work, you don't care if the economy is more robust, you don't care if lower taxes mean that offshore investments will come home. You have been blinded by Obama - and your blindness comes from "IF someone else benefits from this more than me, it's not fair".

So you are mis-characterizing the concept. Lower taxes for EVERYONE will put more money in the hands of the people who will spend it - so yes, that WILL get America back on its feet again.

De-regulating banks IS a good thing - because it's not just taking away all the rules and starting a free-for-all, it's getting rid of the regulations that force banks into doing business that they see as bad, and cripple banks from making loans to viable businesses based on "fairness" or race or gender or some government form that does not apply - so yes, that WILL get money into the hands of the people who will get America back on its feet again.

Or, we can just pay taxes for stimulus money that undercuts American investment law and panders to Union bosses.


Mitt's going to simplify the tax code in a revenue neutral way and rewrite Dodd Frank which is holding up the loosening of credit due to vague areas. It's complicated so I see why some must oversimplify.

the real gyt

Everyone will get a tax rate deduction. That will help get America on its feet again.

If Obama is elected my layoff notices go out on Thursday.


no, he is going to get rid of polices holding America back right now. Policies that your beloved Obama put in place that just are not working.


No it won't. Romney doesn't have a plan that is different from Bush 1 and 2

Bronco Bama

The obama economny will destroy us surely.