Banks in Clinton, IN

Answer (10):

Owa Tadu Shyam

This is a great question. And to answer it, yes. They run into eachother on the way to the bank all the time. Last time it happened, Mitt was there to take out some cash to buy torture devices for his family dog, which according to libbs, he gets off on abusing, and Slick willy was picking up some cash for 21 year old hookers and cocaine.



Koch Tea Patties are funny.

It is not OK for any President to have Off Shore accounts. Get it?

Why is it OK The Koch Brothers are making Millions in IRAN during sanctions?


What kind of bank do you use where you actually have to make the deposits and withdrawals at the bank in person?
What decade are you living in?

Jeff S

So I guess we are supposed to take your web page as gospel huh?

Do you realize that the page mis-identified Romney as "Milt"?

It is a web page that looks like an advertisment!So why should we believe it?


Typical that someone called Richard RIGHT...would boldface LIE about this.



Great example you have two rich people a dem and a rep gaming the system. Are you ready to change the tax code and make these people pay their fair share?

Godless Heathen

So let me see if I understand your point, you do have a problem with people stashing their money in overseas accounts, but only if they're Democrats. Great thanks for clarifying that.

right is right, left is wrong

but the left wing idiot loon hypocrisy or anti Americanism allows libs to say it is different when a DEM does it. Left Wing corruption is acceptable to the Libs on answers. NO SPIN JUST TRUTH!

Yahoo! Durrrrr...

That's not what your link says. FAIL.

Also, guy above me: False Equivalency.

Lincoln Was A Conservative


I love it when liberal retards make jackasses out of themselves.