Question to anyone here who works at a bank?

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Just wondering, lets say some young person like 18 gets a wire transfer into their account for over 25kusd, do you guys report this to tax officials, or ask the person where it came from? or what do you guys do?

Banks in Eliot, ME

Answer (3):


Bank tellers and any other employee for that matter can report any behavior they see "unusual". This is how Eliot Spitcer was caught; the teller thought it was odd he would withdraw this money on a regular basis and so she reported it. Also, every transaction over a certain dollar amount is automatically flagged to be checked.


Any wire transfer has to come from a registered account where the individuals tax or social security no is found


I dont work for a bank but i got a transfer of £14,000 which is $21 569. and i was told i have to provide proof of where it was coming from and i couldnt access it for over a month. I dont know if that differs from the US though. I was 20