Joint bank account after bankruptcy?

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Hi. Yesterday was my 6 yr point and according to the credit experts my bankruptcy should be hidden a little on my rating! Yay!! Me and my partner have been talking about getting a joint account as I never have any money being the one at home with kids, so I can just tuck into his when I need it ;) Do you think I...

Banks in Point Clear, AL

Answer (5):


probably best to check your credit report first to ensure that your bankruptcy is cleared or alternatively contact the official receivers to check the same. If it is not then they should be able to clear it for you.


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I agree with this guy you should get test first, just to see exactly where you are standing, i recommend you to visit this site and get a free report:

depending on your rating this guys will approve you or deny you, without putting a mark in your credit.
hope this info will be useful to you.


I am sure you will find this site very useful: http://WWW.IMMEDIATELOAN.NET

RE:Joint bank account after bankruptcy?


Here you can get rates: http://WWW.CREDIT-AND-FINANCE.COM , remember to compare before.


Relevant answer in Point Clear, AL