Isn't it a sad commentary on our society when a 59 year old man is reduced to having to rob a bank in order to?

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receive health care for three ruptured disks in his back?

The North Carolina man walked into a bank, demanded $1.00 and waited for the police to arrive so he could go to prison.

Wow. Is this a great country or what?
We really care about each other, do we not?

Banks in Apollo, PA

Answer (9):


too bad that is real pain and can kill you and as tight as they are on pain meds, it's like pulling teeth but supposedly the doctors are scared of the DEA, funny they want you come every month and pa them. I know in texas they will give you a six month prescription. He is the deal the prescription states give this person a certain amount of pain pills for a month and in a month they can refill it, sadly like a state like Mississippi it's a racket. matter of fact if you remember what started all this was the time released Oxycontin and morphine pills. They killed some people, A, sadly some people will abuse a drug no matter what and b, some people might forget or the pills are tiny and accidental bite into them.

So since the pharmaceutical lobby pays about $200 million to our House and Senate members they figured what the heck we will still sell the 12 hour pills, instead of doing what is safe and dropping them and going back to the 8 hour pills. What then happened is one of the biggest rip offs in the world.

Since people need the pain medicines to function adn in many cases to stop0 from being in too much pain and having heart problems the doctor lobby steppe din next. They got it set up0 where the people have to come in every month and pay the doctors and the government gets to pay the doctors so instead of going twice a year or once every three months hey go every month. So poor people who might be able to pay 400 a year now have to pay 1200

If he went to the ER they might give him something there and say he has to see a pain management doctor and if the pain is so bad his heart is palpitating they might give him a pacerone and give him a heart doctors number. When he contacts them he will have to pay the initial $250 to see these guys.

So the lobbyists are hard at work. look at the deal Bush did by letting the insurance companies out of their paying for peoples prescriptions. Why in the world would Congress approve allowing them out of their obligations and making the country foot their bills, what is it 900 billion over a certain amount of time? It's called donations the insurance guys donate about 200 million to the House an Senate every year so they get what they want. Sen. bacus wa the chairman of the health care bill and he gets about 3 million from them and the medical guys. i'm sure that would not influence him. lOL

It's insane. I had to laugh at the hospitals and the medical facility is as they increased their donations by 65% and gave a whopping half a billion in Bush's last year. Considering Morgan stanley and goldman had manipulated the price of oil to 140 a barrel they figured no way a republican would get elected and Obama would do the deal. Matter of fact apollo alliance had already done the deal before he even got in office, they also did the cap and trade bill. this is all planned. but th funny thing is they didn't get the big pay day, granted they commit about 700 billion in fraud against the government and insurance companies, they assumed they would get paid big time for the ER visit of everyone including the illegals with a voucher.

You can go to it's simple and see how much each one gets how many millions of the billions and also see how they vote. Did you ever wonder why all of the sudden TSA started attacking the passengers at the airport? Well see tow companies got the government contracts to supply the body scanners. It cost them about 6 million which was given to the members on the committee over picking the companies. They had to use both Republican adn democratic lobbyists to reach them but did. Once awarded we found people didn't trust the machines and so the word came down from the WH to make it so uncomfortable for them that they could be herded into the machines. I mean hey these guys paid the money now the guys had to deliver.

Once people start using them adn the sales increase adn they are all over you will ultimately see them ease up and some joker politician, probably one in the party of whom ever is president at that time and the will say , "Hey we feel if you do'[t want to go in it then it's ok". By that time so many will be sold it will not matter. But watch for that. It's sorta like gay marriage both parties are against it why the lobbyists and the government they are so scare that they might have to paid for someones partners medical or pay benefits.

But sadly people are too stirred up by the lobbyist media to know what is going on. It is funny watching what they do and people think its some party doing it. Have a great 2011!

Jim Rooks

actually, I've thought about doing that. just not for $1.00. The judge would probably throw the case out and I'd be right back where I was. figure maybe take all the cash and go to a diner and get a meal while I wait


There is all kinds of free healthcare for that moocher to obtain. I guess he was too lazy to even go seek that and was waiting for someone to come to him.

Isn't is a sadder commentary that this loser has been conditioned by loser lib democraps to look to government for all his wants and needs.

Hope he has a good time in his cell with 'rock' and 'uncle buck'. I bet that will get his mind off of those ruptured discs.


Where were the liberals that claim to be for helping their fellow man?

We already know the conservatives don't care, you guys have told us that more than a million times.

I am not a criminal

That's hilarious...rob a bank for one dollar.


It will get worse,
with high unemployment,
and peoples bank acounts being seized, and etc.


He is an idiot that could have gotten care.

I need a knee operation will you send me 3K?

Vial Woman

I'd buy that for a dollar.



Hadn't thought of that angle.