Is this where my interest dollars are going? Are the banks charging me mortgage interest....?

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(24,000 a year), and using it to fund campaigns? No wonder the democrats want to push through the tax payers giving 30 million to the houseing market? The housing market might recover if the banks would reduce interest. They are taking the interest, spending it on campaigns and funding to polititions who are...

Banks in Reserve, NM

Answer (1):


Call me a conspirists, but this is how the system works. The Federal Reserve is a privately owned bank, which by the way is constitutionally illegal. When the reserve prints bills, it does it on loan to the federal government who then has to pay interest. The only way the government can pay the interest is to print you see where this is going, a downward spiral into inflation. Do you know what federal income tax goes you do not, because they do not give you that information. Actually, if you ever see a document showing where that money goes, it is marked as undetermined (which they mark lost money). But the funny thing is nearly every year, to a couple of million dollars, the amount of money paid on interest to the federal reserve is the same amount as the federal income taxation of this nation.

Did you know that other than Federal Grant money towards education, none of your federal income tax pays for any kind of service you would expect it to pay for. Road service is paid for by gas tax, education is paid for by state tax, list goes on and on.

In fact, ask you state senator for a document showing that you have to pay federal income tax. It is not a law, in fact, it is illegal for the government to charge you a federal income tax as in the constitution. There have been Supreme Court cases where they have ruled that the federal income tax is illegal, I'm sorry I don't have to court case, but I think it would be easy to look them up. It started with Polluck vs. Farmers' Loan & Trust Co. Wikipedia tries to do it justice, but fails miserably.

What I am saying is that the Federal Reserve and the Federal Income tax are the biggest fraud that the world has ever seen. Some people say that in the next couple of decades, the bonds that have been issued from the federal reserve will lose their value as the bankers see fit and if that happens our economy plunges.

The banks will never reduce interest as they are based on the Federal Reserve. The government is so corrupt that even some of the people in the IRS did not know of some of the occurrences. There have a been a number of people who have quit when they found out and spoke on a number of news shows.