Is there a limit a bank has to file a sheriff's deed after they purchase a property from a sheriff's sale?

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I've had a signed contract on a foreclosed property in KS for 90 days now. We have agreed to terms on repairs ($11K plus) and closing costs and were all set to close at the end of December, when we were notified the bank never filed the sheriff's deed. Communication has broken down and their lawyers...

Banks in Oakland City, IN

Answer (3):

Kasey C

The deed comes from the bank. The bank has to take possession. So sue them if they don't respond in a timely manner.

I think Oakland CA recently filed suit against a landlord, some outfit in Colorado. They foreclosed a 4-unit apartment and never filed the deed, left it vacant. Undesirable elements moved in and cops go in once a week to clean them out. City of Oakland finally sued the landlord under the nuisance abatement ordinance they had on the books to compell them to take possession, clean it up, and so on and so forth. You may have to do something similar.


you may have to file suite against the bank to force them to file the deed in the court house. Call their loss department and tell them you will pursue this in court if need be


A deed is a deed, even if they failed to file.