Banks in Turner, ME

Answer (10):


Absolutely! Although if I might make a recommendation:

Tyra Banks has really furthered herself along in her career and has been giving back consistently since becoming a model. She has a camp devoted to teaching self esteem to teenage girls called "T-Zone". I think all around, Tyra Banks would be a wonderful African American to do an essay on for Black History Month

Cheers and good luck!

marci knows best

Tyra Banks is a little recent, but Tina Turner has been around long enough and had enough of an impact to be considered part of Black History.


Tina Turner yes, Tyra Banks no. Tina Turner is a rock icon and made many contributions to the world of music and the world of lack female artists and most notably she became who she is while living under the abuses of Ike. Tyra, though talented is not really a contibutor to history


Tina Turner, sure. She had a strong influence on music and is an incredible success story. Tyra Banks is just another no-talent celebrity.


If you do it on Tina Turner, I'd be more than happy to help you with your essay. I am a long time Tina Turner fan, and I know alot about her. Just email me!

[email protected]


Tina Turner would be much better then Tyra Banks. She's more substantial then Tyra. She's not an idiot like Tyra. People like her more then Tyra. Yeah, just do Tina Turner!


I would go with it. I love Tina Turner and Tyra is ok to.


tina turner yes. shes a role model for women everywhere if not alot of artist. tyra no, shes an idiot!


Sure. Both have achieved a lot in their careers. Why? Are they not full African-American?

SweetiePateety - an Empath

As entertainers who have worked hard and earned a name for themselves, I don't see why not.