Iam getting training in alexandria business association do you think it's good for me or training in bank ?

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training in bank much better i will get "shehada" experience but my dad say everything goes with wasta you don't need training

i want to know your opinion guys &girls

Banks in Alexandria, IN

Answer (2):


i knew who u r :) lol

but i don't agree with ur dad, yes wasta will do it, but training is important too, what if the wasts didn't work

look, the main branch of piraeus in alexandria is in patris lamomba street by the stadium go there and apply for training u may get it for august

Wise Heart

Nowadays you need everything possible to have a job. Millions are using wasta too, so at the end of the day you need training, wasta, real experience and you need to be really good in doing your job.