I am seeking information on a slaveship in 1817 named jesus of nazarene ?also on the bank of lucaya ?

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good afternoon, i am trying to obtain information on a slave ship named jesus of nazarene which kidnapped 75 africans in gambia and brought them to america although the slave trade had been outlawed in america in 1808.plus i would like to know about the bank of lucaya? thank you-p.o.box 338-compton,ca.90223

Banks in Compton, CA

Answer (1):


I don't know about the slave ship Jesus of Nazarene, but I would imagine if you visited a good library with a section on African-American History, you should be able to track it down. What I do know is that the Bank of Lucaya is an off-shore bank in the Bahamas that's been involved in money laundering for decades. Even Noriega had money in there and the US fought to confiscate it.