How much $ will Banksters who own the Federal Reserve Bank & put Obama in office make off the downgrade?

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They own 75% of the National Debt and 1% will cost 1 Trillion over the 10 yr window making them collectively 750 Billion in hard cash for lending out money that doesn't really exist. Sweet gig huh? Or organized crime more accurately. People mistakenly assume they are in under the US government, they are...

Answer (7):


The Fed is not US government, it's comprised of the most evil vicious huge banksters in the history of the world. Geithner is part of one of the worst. Goldman Sachs crashed the Mexican economy a few years ago using dirty tricks and you didn't even hear it in the Media, because they (Rothschild Cartel) own most of it.

And here the U.S Federal Reserve owners
$1. Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin.

$2. Lazard Brothers Banks of Paris.

$3. Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy.

$4. Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam.

$5. Paris Orleans Bank Paris

$6. Kuhn, Loeb Bank of NY (Now Shearson American Express).

$7. Goldman, Sachs of NY.

$8. National Bank of Commerce NY/Morgan Guaranty Trust (J. P. Morgan Bank - Equitable Life - Levi P. Morton are principal shareholders).

$9. Hanover Trust of NY (William and David Rockefeller & Chase National Bank NY are principal shareholders).

You know what would be funny if it wasn't so horrible? Geitner's firm Goldman where many Obama advisers are affiliated stands to make bank on this downgrade because they own stock in the Fed. 750 billion is what the Rothschild Cartel will make off the downgrade. 75% of the trillion we will pay in interest over what we used to. The Fed owns 75% of the Debt, and the Rothschild Cartel owns the Fed. Mostly European Banksters.

endangered species

Todays crash and the continuing devaluation of the dollar reflects that the federal reserve has chosen to change currencys. Geitner is on record pushing for a global currency. China called for one yesterday. The federal reserve charges tax payers interest on every dollar they print, yet the buying power of the dollar continues to erode. With this being thbe case, what does the federal reserve do for us, other than take our money ? Ron Paul will eliminate these crooks and return our dollar to a gold or silver standard. Those who say this is "archaic" need only to go look at the price of gold compared to the fed's paper dollar.


I think you have been reading the National Enquirer a few too many times. You don't sound to be all that well educated. Take your meds and come back to shallow water because you seem to be going off the deep end. Your ignorance is really amusing. Go back to school, try taking a few courses that involve business so you may be able to have an actual opinion and not just ramble.


Well we did get a one time authority to audit but no one had put that in motion yet.
Your statement that the Banksters put Obama in office is 180 degrees wrong.


Obama was the highest recipient of Wall St contributions. Even though he did not head the regulatory committees and was a junior senator.

What do you think.


I'm sure they've all heavily invested in tungsten.

Paul Krugman is an Idiot

Federal Reserve is a part of the government. Drop the conspiracy propaganda you tard. There is no evil conspiracy out to get you