Answer (9):


You need a special credit rebuilder credit card.

It is called a "secured" credit card because it is attached to your bank account.

The U.S. Bank Secured Visa ® Card -
A great card to help build or re-establish your credit history while enjoying worldwide purchasing power and flexibility. Plus, you can make your purchases with comfort, knowing you are protected against unauthorized transactions.

Note: This product is only offered to the following: AR, AZ, CA, CO, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, MN, MO, MT, ND, NE, NV, OH, OR, SD, TN, UT, WA, WI, WY.

It's easy. All you need to do is send us a cashier's check, a certified check, or a money order with your credit card application (from $300 to $5,000) to open a savings account. Then, once you're approved, we'll send you a credit card. Your credit line will be the same amount as your deposit. It looks and works just like any other credit card when you use it at a restaurant or store.
Your deposit is used to open a savings account which assures your credit card can be paid. The money in your savings account is there to "secure" your credit line. The money in your savings account is FDIC insured and won't be touched as long as you make all of your credit card payments on time and your account remains open. Plus, you will earn interest on the money in your savings account.

Your purchases are billed to you each month. Payments are not automatically deducted from your savings account. You are responsible for making at least your minimum payment by the due date each month.

Once you've demonstrated good credit habits, you'll be well on your way to getting a good credit rating. When you have managed all of your credit obligations responsibly for 12 months, we may be able to move you to another great credit card product without requiring you to secure your credit line.

A good credit rating gives you the freedom to make choices. You'll find that you need good credit to do almost everything from buying a car or a home to ordering merchandise through the mail. So whether you're just starting out, or making a fresh start, the U.S. Bank Secured Card offers you a chance to begin on the right foot."


car loans are fairly easy to get after a bankruptcy but be sure you can handle the payment before you dive into that. Here is a shortcut to quick credit but it requires knowing someone with good credit. Lets say your parents have excellent credit and have a credit card they have had for 20 years. If you ask them to add you to their account and get you a credit card then it shows up on your credit as well and all of a sudden you have a 10 thousand dollar credit card with nearly no balance and have had it for 20 years. You never even have to use the card or they never even have to give it to you...just add your name to the card. This is the fastest most reliable method of rebuilding credit fast. Another way is with these gold cards you hear about online. They are catalog cards that you have to pay a fee to get and then when you buy things you pay a deposit up front and the rest is taken from your credit balance and you make payments on it. The bad side is that you have to put miney up for the a deposit for purchases but the good thing is they show a ten thousand dollar credit limit on your credit report and if you just buy a small something every now and then to show activity it will look impressive and improve your credit score.

David H

The place to begin is in your credit report. Make sure all accounts are shown as "included in bankruptcy". Cleaning up your report after bankruptcy is the single most important thing you can do. The dispute letters are a formality, just send a copy of your discharge paper and all accounts will be updated.

If you didn't reaffirm any charge accounts through the bankruptcy than you need to get a credit account established ASAP. You need to establish a credit history after bankruptcy. Secured cards are an easy way to get started.

Jenn a

It takes a long time for bankruptcy to "fall off" your record, but with in a matter of 2 to 3 years after you've filed, you will begin to be able to start establishing a better credit rating. Learn from your mistake. If you don't have the $$ to buy something, you don't need it.


It takes 7 years for the bankruptcy to fall off of your history. Or at least it does where I'm from (Indiana). Good ways to build credit are to get a credit card and make your payments on time and pay it off all at once. Buy a house gives you instant credit. Or buy a car and make the payments on time.


Your best bet at this point is to get a secured credit card. This will allow you to start getting some positive credit even though you have a bankruptcy. You could try getting unsecured, but that is unlikely. So, get a secured card, keep it a year and make the payments on time, and you will start increasing your credit rating.

Here are some cards that would fit:


First and Foremost you have to get a copy of your credit report and make sure any and all reports are taken off! If they are still on your report they may just say 0.00 owed by the real amount owed, still all on your report. It all needs to be exsponged. Without that you will never get any chance to start anew or with a fresh, clear credit report.


go loan a small amount of money at the bank or credit union...
a secure loan, where they technically lend you the money against assets that you already have at the bank..
lets say you have $500 dollars in the bank, go borrow against it.. and pay it back in payments.. like a car payment (each month) do not pay it back early.. that doesn't do you any good when trying to build your credit

when you get that paid off , borrow a larger amount, say $1000.... after you build a trustworthy relationship with your banker it's all gravy from there

j M, they will give a credit card to anyone