Have you ever seen such a gerrymandered district as that of Rep Mel Watt , friend of banks, who gutted HR 1207?

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also, Ron Paul will be proposing an amendment when the bill is returned to the full committee to restore the original language. If you agree with that, could you please email your rep and Barney Frank on that point?

Answer (4):

The fed up matthew™

Wow I guess that is what they had to do to get a democrat in office over there. I'm dreading the coming census redistricting. Even worse is that all of the cosponsors aren't making a big deal out of this. They must be hoping to slip this one by.


The monied interests behind the Fed and its shadowy doings are too powerful to ever let the Audit the Fed bill pass unless it's decimated to the point of being useless. Hey at least they can say they did something about this, right? Well I'm amazed it's come this far & the fact more Americans are aware of this issue & talking about it is directly related to Ron Paul's tireless work. I'm not hopeful we will see an audit of the Fed let alone an end to its unconstitutional existence. However, when the dollar can no longer be propped up articifially by Fed dollars, when China stops lending us money, when the economy really collapses that is when we will see them usher in the NWO and that is when things will get dicey.


I hate that bastard Mel Watts. He really showed who's side hes on in the battle of the people v. the tyrannical entity we call the state.

Mark D

Yes, I've seen gerrymandered districts before, and something tells me that this rhetorical question is part of a carefully organized campaign.