DWC episode 4: Money in the Bank?

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Episode 3 results: Match 1 : Davis Match 2 : David O' Gara Match 3 : Tyler Dominance and Jamez Segment 2: No one won, all 3 fought and they had to get security to stop them. Main Event : Shadow Shade Start of the show: Commentator: Hello and welcome to our first pay per view in DWC, today we have the...

Answer (4):


Match 1: Jamez
Match 2: Tyler Dominance
Match 3: Tombstalker
Match 4: Can't vote
Match 5: Matt Murphy

Promo: Congratulations, you get to witness the abilities of one of the best wrestlers of all time. Years from now, you will be telling your grand-children about this day. "I knew he would be one of the best ever," you will say to them, "You could just tell by his ability." I am already the best here and I demand a title shot! If you won't give one to me, I will come back and make you give me one. *Nobody comes out* All right, you asked for it. *As I'm leaving the GM comes out* "If you want a title shot you have to work your way up," He says, "Oh and you have a match next, you better go get ready."

Shawn Corwin

Match 1 James
Match 2 The Promo
Match 3 Jake Little
Match 4 Can't vote
Main Event Shadow Shade

Message me the results of my match that way I can write a betternpromo spending on what happened


Match 1: not voting on my own match.
Match 2: Tyler Dominance
Match 3: Tombstalker
Match 4: Kiid Swaqq
Main event: Shadow shade

Mail me the result of my match on this and I'll do a promo depending on what happens.


Wwe v2 hd
the promo
mr incredible
matt murphy

248 lbs
Strong, ruthless but appreciates the fans
1. Splash mountain (lifting crucifix powerbomb) 2. sleeper hold
Reverse ddt/ spinebuster