Do finance companies/banks/consultancies/... street recruit from georgia tech ECE program ?

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I have got admission in gatech Electrical and computer engineering graduate program .i dont want to do a phd and in fact i might want to join a finance firm/consultancy/trading firm after my MS.(or may a great engineering firm, i am just not sure).Do big fin firms etc hire gatech engineering graduates?can anyone...

Banks in Walls, MS

Answer (1):


Investment bankers hire finance MBAs. Finance operations managers (back room, security, network, facilities) hire engineers, sometimes. But if you're interested in finance, not doing the MBA is putting yourself way behind in terms of consideration for top jobs. Business school is about teaching people not only analytical and technical skills, but about playing poker with other people's money. That said, if you are seriously interested in a finance career, you need to be prepared to be in NYC, not Atlanta. Atlanta may be a major banking, insurance, and transportation hub, but it works on NY money more than most of its civic leaders are willing to admit.