Didn't the GOP chosen one Herman Cain support the TARP Bank bailouts?

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Businessman Herman Cain has shot to the top of the polls with support from Tea Party members, but his backing of the Troubled Asset Relief Program and opposition to auditing the Federal Reserve could hurt him with those same voters. Levi Russell, the spokesman for the fiscally conservative group Americans for...

Answer (5):

Leslie Goudy

So the Treasury says the Loans were paid back with interest. I want proof. I simply don't believe it. There is way too much money floating around in circle Kites. Why on earth do people defend these banks. It is beyond absurd. They have obviously destroyed almost the entire globe with the Middle East Holding out against Lone Bankster State and America's lover Israel.

Yes, he and that Progressive Obama both voted for it.


Jon Huntsman is still there and so is rick santorum ....all they have to do is come out swinging in the next election to make some impression


Ummmmmmm. I'm tellin' the Teabaggers.

Self-Hating White Liberalâ„¢

Those loans were paid back with interest

Let us see if Solyndra pays us back


You do know that the TARP BANK has been repaid with a surplus, don't you?