Did you know the "Patriot Act" allows banks to raid your bank safety deposit box?

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the only thing they can't touch are documents but everything else they can steal

Banks in Grace, ID

Answer (10):

Mark T

It's a potpourri that can be combined in any way a "suitably ambitious" President or Congress chooses to.

Frankly, it's rather a large mistake to think we still have many of the constitutional protections listed on the actual Constitution, in light of the USA Patriot Act.


Summary from Federation of American Scientists - http://www.fas.org - here - http://www.fas.org/irp/crs/RL31377.pdf

ACLU's Call to action on the matter - http://www.aclu.org/pdfs/safefree/patriot_report_20090310.pdf

Amnesty International views the Patriot Act as destructive to the rights of the citizens and residents of the United States - http://www.amnestyusa.org/war-on-terror/civil-rights/page.do?id=1108209

The American Library Association has a guideline on how to ethically handle the USA Patriot Act - http://www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/llama/publications/orienting_and_educat.pdf

Additionally the ALA details the specific laws / rules for citizens privacy rights on a state by state basis and how that may impact assisting law enforcement officials - http://www.ala.org/ala/aboutala/offices/oif/ifgroups/stateifcchairs/stateifcinaction/stateprivacy.cfm

Here are the stipulations as far as the electronic information that may be monitored - whenever the federal government gets the itch - http://epic.org/privacy/terrorism/usapatriot/#analysis

Legal scholars / librarians have this to say - http://www.aallnet.org/products/pub_sp0407/pub_sp0407_patriot.pdf

Personally I always liked this - from nearly 10 years before the Patriot Act graced our lives - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKprr3tEBew , Ben Kingsley's character is not entirely well balanced, but he's not wrong either.


I didn't know the patriot act allowed "banks" to raid your account but.... I have a friend who was accused of selling knock off handbags in her 12' X 20' store in smalltown, USA (pop 700). The FBI raided the store with 11 FBI agents using your tax dollars. They seized her computer, business book and receipts from sales. They cleaned out her business bank account, her personal bank account and her minor child bank account. Go figure. They raided her house, car, and business and took all of her personal purses, took FIVE (5) purses from store. In my eyes the govt stole her money and her life. It has gotten real scary here in the USA. I would not have believed this if I heard the story, but I was there and was shocked to see how the govt is operating today. What use to happen to the poor and powerless class, has now progressed to the middle class(aka new poor class).


Yeah, I knew that.
The Patriot Act also allows for the FBI to tap your phones, bug your computer, search your house and car, *without warrant*, and collect whatever evidence they want, and they don't even have to tell you about it!
It's called a "National Security Letter". Google it, and be very afraid.

More fed up then you

No, I did not know that and do not know now (just because YOU say so) that it is true.

But the same libs who complain about the Patriot act want to be even MORE intrusive in peoples private lives in the fake phony name of 'animal rights' (while they still hypocritically, support partial birth abortions).

Liberals think that killing a not yet "born" Human, is just fine while killing an animal is to them 'severe abuse" .

Not only that they are the same kinds of liberals who believe all this antisemitic garbage about
"the Zionists controlling the world".
I once saw a blog about a story about some guy accused of animal abuse and he happened to have a Jewish SOUNDING last name.
Just because of his last name, the liberals were posting things like "This is how JEWS are", and all kinds of antisemitism .
They spent even MORE time posting the guys home address and phone number and saying "smash his parents heads against the wall till their brains splatter all over the place".
Not just HIM but EVERYONE in his family they were DEMANDING this, sounding like fanatical rioting Nazis on Crystal Nacht.
When it comes to their fake concern for animals ((because big liberals like Barbara Streisand (they support her because she is also a Nazilib and a self hating Jew, who very prominently promotes the Nazilib agenda) wear fur and they say absolutely NOTHING against HER or other rich liberals like her.) they suddenly care nothing about Due Process or Constitutional rights or innocent till proven guilty.
They want the whole FAMILY and all the friends of the accused dead and they say on these blogs that they specifically want no trials.
Liberals are nothing but bloodthirsty violence loving warmongers.
This just proves once again that liberalism = Nazism as well as hypocrisy.
Everyone who works for these "animal rights" or "animal rescue" organizations either feels this way or has friends that do and they think it's just fine making them an accessory to the terrorist fanaticism of the violent liberals.
Some who otherwise would be conservatives are also supporters of those who are such evil fanatics.
For example both Sean Hannity and Mark Levin have disgustingly called killing a dog "murder"
and any sane person knows murder is applied ONLY to killing a human being, NOT an animal.
Hannity recently had on his show one of these animal wackos and Hannity called this fanaticism "rescue".
And Mark Levine on his show, one day for one, of many examples; was ranting about something that I only caught the last part of but apparently there was some story about some kind of supposed "abuse" which seemed to be about a horse.
Now most stories about so called "abuse" of horses are really nothing more then the horse being ridden a bit hard, or being kicked a few times to get them to go or being ridden by someone who is "overweight" ( as if a horse has to worry about someone that is fraction of the horses weight which even the heaviest people on the smallest animal that is still called a horse, are only a fraction of the horses weight) not about starving them to death, or anything like that.
And Levine was ranting on and on about "abuse" (which according to the Constitution is no more of the governments business then anything else someone does on their private property (other then crimes against people)).
Then he was praising these fanatics work in "shelters" (they are not fanatics for working there but for the fanatical hatred they have for humans and for the practical WORSHIP of animals, above humans (and if you do not feel that way you will not last long working among those who DO and who like any other religious fanatics, DEMAND you agree with them) calling them "heroes" and other disgustingly praiseworthy, titles.
Levin hypocritically talks about "taking the country back" while at the same time supporting these totally unconstitutional "animal rights", laws.


The words "safety deposit box" do not appear in the Patriot Act. You can use the search feature on it yourself here:



Government is a gun to your head

On your social security card, your name is in all capital letters. That means you are a possession. You can be tortured and killed for no reason.



Americans have had no rights since Boy George and his PNAC mafia murdered the constitution in 2001.


Yet another reason to stay far away from these misnamed things.


Well, it's a good thing I don't have any money then.


Please link to the act so I can check it out myself.