Did you hear about Obama having the presidents from major banks meet in the white house....?

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Apparently he had them all come in, separate into groups, go into different rooms in the white house then in 3 hours come back out and have a plan ready on how to fix the economy. Wow. Does this remind anyone else of elementary school? Obama has barely been in the white house since is inauguration! He's...

Answer (8):

oprah-lookalike R

We don't need banks--that align themselves with govt moochers--

I chose banks who don't have their hand out--and closed my accounts at BOA--JP MORGAN--and moved my money into smaller local banks--F--k obama nd the idiot bank feds--

TAKE YOUR MONEY out$$ and then what will obama do--then?

Colette Pioline ART

How can anybody possibly get that upset about Canadians?

(P.S. The US-Canadian trading relationship is the single largest trading relationship in the world. So, you know, they're kind of important, diplomatically. It's not about photo ops. It's about the economy.)

Robin L

That was my thought exactly. It seems he will never come out of "campaign" mode and go into governing mode. I think he is already campaigning for his re-election that won't happen because in 4 years you won't be able to recognize this country.


In three hours he had a plan?


Please site your sources



He reminds me of a new guy on a job site saying, "It's my first day. I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing. When is lunch?"

Shovel Ready

Halfway through the morning, did they break for milk and graham crackers?

Zodiac Man *



Yes. We're nationalizing them. Welcome to socialism