Could I get a loan from the bank?

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Hi im 16 and i want to buy a car on april 1st, but im going to be 1000 dollars short of enough money to buy a nice enough used car, so im just wondering if the bank give me the money i need if i got the cosigner i need since im still a minor and the cosigner had good credit. Also a question about the cosigner can...

Banks in Newport, KY

Answer (2):

Genuine Guidance

You won't get a loan
And, if you are still under your parents roof, they CAN tell you how to live your life.
You have some nerve living under their roof, eating their food, using their utilities and then having the attitude of **** *** to them.

You cannot sign legal documents or enter into contracts until you are 18.


You MUST be joking. Didn't you know you must be 18 to sign a contract?