Can the state of the banks and financial situation still?

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Be blamed on the curse left over from Thatherite Britain? Back in the Thatcher hey day, it was encouraged to be greedy, that the only thing that mattered was money and to make more and more money. This was the birth of the Yuppie and the City has been full of them since. Is the only way for Britain to...

Answer (4):

MichaelĀ© CE Freedom Party.

Absolutely it can, the damage done in the eighties is irreparable, selling off everything that was owned by the 'people' gas, electricity, north sea oil, water companies, BT, steel, coal mines the aero industry, railways and the gravest of all council housing, cannot be undone.

We, our children and our grandchildren will still be paying for all that when we are long gone.

Let us not forget that all that I have mentioned was sold off to her pals at a fraction of their real worth.

Big River

I am at a total loss to understand where this country wwantsto go.
Thatcher obliterated manufacturing in this country. It all moved overseas.

We have the greenies gloating over the fact that we now have clean air and stating that the world should reduce it's CO2 output.

However, all we have done is transfer all that manufacturing to India, China and other such countries.
They have no intention of reducing output, nor can they afford to.

Thatcher created our ddependenceon gas, (an iinvest ablecommodity), she created our ddependenceon a financial empire (another iinvest ablecommodity) she created a lack of coal which right at this moment, wwiththe present "Clean coal technology" would reduce our ddependenceon overseas suppliers.

Thatcher did everything she could to replace the congregation and brotherhood of the working man from large industries and replace them with myriad small factory units.
She used closures as a way of breaking the collective strength of the working man, whilst at ther same time increasing the countries ddependenceon private industry where she and her like could earn vast aamounts with their spare cash.


Utter rubbish.

Everyone blaming Thatcher is being hugely short-sighted - and I am borderline Labour too!

Yes, Thatcher's rule damaged irrepairably the trade and the industry of the North - it was always going to be affected regardless who was in power but Thatcher should have sought better ways to handle it.

Labour were the ones who made crucial mistakes. Labour were the ones who removed the centralised power to regulate the banks from the Bank of England. Labour were the ones who could have addressed the runaway practises, including short-selling, of the corporate banking world LONG before all the sleaze of the sector was brought to light; after recent collapses and banks on their knees to the government for bailouts.

Thatcher's ethos was the guiding light for today's greed - but if you think bankers were lovely and conservative and honest before then, you are very, very much mistaken.

Labour had the opportunity, but failed, to "fix the roof while the sun was shining" in the glory vintage years of 2003 - 2006.

EDIT:- Can you get past the first sentence, CLAIRE?

S Csparky

stop the share holders taking the profits our money makes,!!


Relevant answer in Coal City, IN