Banks are the cathedrals of capitalism ...................?

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Then isnt it a tad unfair these private enterprise, free market, capitalist, bloodsuckers are saved by socialist policies - the tax payer are keeping them afloat.
YET - most other businesses are left to sink. while the bankers rake in the bonus pay.

Banks in Myrtle Point, OR

Answer (7):


Your right in pointing out that there is something seriously wrong and that there is a certain elite that are steeling from right under our noses! But you are being ideological prejudice in the way you ask your question, I have read a lot of what you have written on here and you do seem to hate capitalism full stop and want us to revert to socialism. You seem to be unwilling to see the faults in the system you propose and the strengths in the one you reject. I can see some benefits in socialism and faults in capitalism but well socialism proved to fail, it can only last for about 50years or so and then leaves pain and poverty!

Anyways I'm not trying to win you round to capitalism, I don't lost causes! What I'm trying to say is that capitalism isn't the problem it i CORPORATISM. Besides what we have now is not capitalism, there are no bailouts in capitalism: if you start a business and fail does the Government come along bail you out and say go on have another go, No, under capitalism you reap the rewards of success and face the consequences of failure. With corporatism (which also existed in socialism and fascism), there is an elite who monopolise power and liberty, in this instance it's the Government, the EU and IMF, the Central Banks, The Corporate banks, other corporate companies that dodge tax and the media. On that basis we should be arguing to restore our freedom, not a system that formally restricts it whilst ensuring 'perfect equality' at a very low level, with no opportunity to better yourself through hard work. Furthermore a system where by as time goes by you get worse off because the economic model isn't viable.

Socialism doesn't work, it has been proven time and time again but it is clear we have the most horrendous problem with our current system. We need to be arguing for a better future and get out of these decadent ideologies, stop looking back, look forward. Don't listen to Myrtle, she doesn't understand how an economy works, economies are natural living breathing things because they are made up of living breathing things (people), an economy needs to be free to evolve and change naturally, if it isn't imbalances build up and eventually you end up having to face a problem. Hence we are where we are!

Myrtle has the pragmatism of a spoon and the analytical skills of an empty pen, you can't build an economy on the foundations of an ideology. I hope people have enough sense not to listen to you!

Edit: Ok I agree with a lot of what you said in your edit, there are people taking us for mugs and have been for years, I'm with you on that but you seem to solely focus on the private banks! Have you not looked into what the US Federal Reserve have been doing for the last 40years and how it effects us, how the Bank of England have been complicit in this and the US and UK governments have actually personally benefited out of it. We need to direct our anger at the politicians, we need to stop voting for Labour, Conservative and The Lib Dem's, all support fractional reserve banking, all support printing money (creates inflation) which to me seems ike dumping on the poor. Directing all your anger at the banks is a waste of time, nothing will change until we turn on the political class in a big way. It is also the case that central banks are more responsible then private banks because they created the market conditions which encouraged the recklessness, they also created £5Tn worth of new money which has reduced our standard of living (you seen import prices lately?). I can tell you are a well intended person who is clearly rattled by injustice, I share that frustration but because I have learnt how the system works and how we got in this mess (instead of just saying 'the banks did it') I understand how we can fix it and restore justice. The banks need to take some enormous losses and need to be made more accountable of that I have no doubt but you can't do that while we vote for these unnatural idiots, furthermore the SWP and other socialist groups are just as bad because they don't understand the system, they are just left with decadent ideologies, very different ideologies but we will still end up in the same place. Does whats happening in Europe not remind you a little bit of 1989?

We need a new way of thinking, we need to fix the economy and restore justice first and then start treating the economy like a body and not like a machine because like I say it is a natural thing. Arbitrary caps, quotas, bans and targets all create imbalances and eventually a catastrophe. Most regulation we have today is worthless and miss the point, we need to start again!


Good point Myrtel, and let us not forget, using your 'cathedral' analogy, that bankers and other corporatists are reluctant to put anything into the collection plate when it comes round in the form of taxation.

alan h

Transfer to the Co-operative bank.
Be positive instead of whingeing

old grumpy

MYRTEL... a great heading for a great question. Equally given in a great answer by JONATHAN.
Keep praying!!


Why is it that people with no money are always the first to give the rest of us financial advice?


These Banksters are not only saved by so called "socialist" governments but also by so called "conservative " governments"


If you don't like it keep your money under your matress


Relevant answer in Myrtle Point, OR